Cutlip Golf Design
About Ronald S. Cutlip
From Tee to Green and Beyond
Real Estate plays a role in golf course design and development. Not only will we assist you in the proper zoning and permit needs for your golf course project but we can also help you envision the entirety of your project. If your overall project requires placement of homes, condos, hotels, or club houses we are able to effectively create a master plan for your development and land planning needs.

Our Design Approach
Company Promise
Our goal is to provide our clients with personalized attention and to develop a course that is uniquely their own. We accomplish this by accentuating the natural features of the land while preserving the environmentally sensitive areas. I believe it pays to be a good steward of the land without jeopardizing the integrity of the game of golf.
Ron uses a team approach to take the goals of our clients and make their vision a reality. With over 20 years of design experience, our focus is to create a course that is both cost effective and player friendly. The course must fit the golfer who is destined to play the course, provide adequate challenge, maintain aesthetic beauty and exhibit dramatic features while standing the test of time for ownership and the property. This delicate balance is the key to great design.